Thursday, October 4, 2012

Social Class

WOW! what an eye opener in this class... Social Class!

What is social class? Why is there a division in the way people live? What created that division?

 Conflict theory- is people who believe upper class has all the resources.
  • For some reason all our goals are to become upper class. To get that name. 
 How does social class affect our insights on families?
- I believe it affects our insights on families because we need to provide the needs for the family.  Such as wealth. Money helps us provide for our families. If your wealthy many believe you are high class because you can provide for the family and still be well off. But in lower class it is harder to provide for the family because it is harder to provide.
It also effects our insights on family because everyone puts you on the high class or low class scale. And some families may think that its not possible to change that. I have also seen it affect who you associate with. There will always be a struggling conflict of family and social class. Even though many may not want to fess up to it.

Then we discussed what the importance of families were. Here is the list we created.
  • Heavenly Fathers Plan...... (Which is to be more like Him)
  • Bring his Children back to Him
  • Provides structure for child and the adults
  • Socialization
  • Establish expectations and hopes
  • Offer love and support
  • Provide finances 
These are just a few we created, due to the short time we have together. But I believe these are the most important reasons we have families. Because of my religious views I would place Heavenly Fathers Plan always as my number 1 to why we have families. We believe that is why we are here on this earth. We are here to progress and to gain knowledge... to be more like our Father in Heaven who is perfect. But we know that we cannot be perfect in this life because of are still learning and we are still tempted by the Natural man. I know that I am thankful for my family and having them here with me. Because they show so much love and support. I do not know how the world has become so corrupt to believe it is not important to have that in your life. 

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